tfn777 – The final Notice

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

False Religion rules the day

False Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature that comes because of its heartless world and soulless circumstances. This false Religion was designed to control the masses through hope and fear while trying break our faith in the heavenly father.

The secret societies of the elite have systematically destroyed our religious history so that today’s believers would have no idea what our forefathers believed or taught. So the question is this, is there a radical discontinuity between present-day Christianity and the early Church?    what do you think?

Your Religion is a hoax !!!

False Religion is designed to control the masses 

Its sad but true, today religion is used as a tool for social control to keep the public masses misinformed yet content with the unequal status quo. In this series of post i hope to highlight how religion has been redesigned to maintain social inequality by separating us from our heavenly father and advancing a worldview that justifies oppression.

Today we are beginning to see that elite secret societies are operating openly at the international level and have one goal in mind. They want to consolidate their rule over the whole globe and usher in the New Age of Lucifer.

Many types of people - whether they be Catholic, Muslim, or Jewish, are expected to follow their family's religion as a social norm. From the elites perspective, these expectations become part of religion's ability to control and direct society while maintaining the status quo.

False Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature that comes because of its heartless world and soulless circumstances. This false Religion was designed to control the masses through hope and fear while trying break our faith in the heavenly father.

The point is that these elite and their secret societies have systematically destroyed our religious history and created a new one so that today's believers have no idea what our forefathers believed. This allows them to use this false religion to fashion the world in subordination to their Supreme Being and usher in the New Age of Lucifer;

   Please follow me and I shall reveal the true path to our heavenly father  

I shall post much, much more on this topic - false religion

Druids - End time "Light Bringers”

Druids are the original pre-flood “Priests of Cain” who survived the Flood and continued as Chaldean Priests “Magi”. The Druids were the learned priesthoods of antiquity teaching & leading the Indian Brahmins, the Pythagoreans, and the Chaldean astronomers of Babylon. They have hand shaped every major religion through out mankind's history.

Its cliamed that the Druids came from Atlantis and there is considerable evidence to suggest that they immediatlt started sharing thier culture, customs, traditions, rituals and teachings in India thousands of years ago, which gave birth to the ‘Dharmic religions’ of Hinduism, Jainism and Buddhism.

The pyramids at Giza were built by the Druids of Ireland, and the pyramids symbolically contain an imperative from divine natural law that is encrypted through astronomical alignments wthin their architectural design and geographic layout. In the Egyptians own writings, the men who built the pyramids tell us that they were not from the land that we now call Egypt:

“Sekhet-Aaru was the Egyptians ancestral homeland on an island in the Distant West, from which their forefathers (Druids) arrived at the Nile Delta at the start of dynastic civilization.”

Fast forward to EMPEROR CONSTANTINE THE DRUID !! Before the reign of Emperor Constantine, true Christianity was flourishing despite all the efforts of the pagan Pontiffs to destroy it. But CONSTANTINE changed all that by blending Christianity and paganism to covertly convert all into druidism.  

Repeatedly throughout history, the elites of the Great World Empire conspire with secret religious societies that maintain a high regard for the ancient druids. In modern times we are beginning to see that these elite secret societies are now operating at the international level. These groups have one goal and that's to consolidate their rule over the whole globe and usher in the New Age of Lucifer; Druids are his “Light Bringers”.

The point is that these druids and their secret societies along with the elites have systematically destroyed our religious history so that today's believers have no idea what our forefathers believed

    Please follow me and I shall reveal the true path to our heavenly father    

I shall post much, much more on this topic - false religion

sources - druidry - great-pyramids - druids
we gather info only from these sites, Not their perspectives

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

What god are you worshiping? Do you even know ???

Pagan Rome has systematically destroyed our religious history so that today's believers would have no idea what our forefathers believed. so the question is this, is there a radical discontinuity between present-day Christianity and the early Church? what do you think?  

Constantine The Great: A Roman Emperor, Christian Saint is said to be responcible for the Turning Point in History. Constantine's legacy can be seen in Christianity's transformation from a private sect into a public church that encompassed the whole of society. He put it on an institutional footing, which enabled the Church to be the leading cultural force in the ancient & modern world.

The Christianization of Roman society can be seen as a partial fulfillment of Revelation 21:24: "The nations . . . shall walk in its [New Jerusalem] light, and the kings of the earth bring their glory and honor into it." The Church is the New Jerusalem—replacing the Jerusalem of the Old Testament—which brings spiritual enlightenment to the pagan nations throughout the Roman Empire.

Or was it ???? A balanced assessment of the historical evidence shows that, as much as Constantine may have contributed to the Christianization of the Roman Empire, he wanted to combine chistianity with paganism and convert them all into a new form of driudism worship.

Constantine, the Roman Pontiffs used all the force of the Roman Empire to destroy Christianity to no avail. He then used the Pagan Roman empire under the guidance of the ancient order of druids to systematically destroyed Christian history to create the new form of driudism worship practiced today by the worlds largest religeons.

You say you want more proof ... No problem - lets remember this fact: All of history is written and shaped by man. Its those in control, the elite & thier secret societies that have shaped our beliefs today and throughout mankinds existance. The elite and thier Secret societies are organized hierarchically, with ultimate decision-making power vested in a single individual.

Repeatedly throughout history, the elites of the Great World Empire have been attracted to religious secret societies which maintain a high regard for the ancient pagans. In modern times we are seeing a proliferation of elite secret societies which are now operating at the international level, these groups have one goal and thats to consolidate its rule over the whole globe for their lord lucifer.

    Please follow me and I shall reveal the true path to our heavenly father    

I shall post much more on this topic - false religion

Constantine - Christianity and DRUID PAGANISM

Pagan Rome then systematically destroyed Christian history

True Christianity flourished despite all the efforts of the pagan Pontiffs to destroy it. PAGAN ROME FAILED TO DESTROY CHRISTIANITY BY FORCE!! For about 3 centuries prior to Constantine, the Roman Pontiffs used all the force of the Roman Empire to destroy Christianity to no avail.

Pagan Rome then systematically destroyed Christian history so that the next generation of believers would have no idea what their parents believed. This was done in part by the super-secretive Druids. The Druids were the most powerful sorcerers, medicine men, shamans, or magicians in the ancient world. Nobody could equal them in the extent of their training in the dark occult arts.

Historic writings support the belief that in 37 A.D. St Joseph of Arimathea (Christ’s great uncle, according to one source) followed by the apostle St Simon Zelotes and later by St Paul of Tarsus with other disciples (according to the Pseudo-Pauline apocrypha: “Acts 29” - from the Sonnini manuscript) came to Britannia, to erect the first Christian Church outside Jerusalem,

Further undisputed evidence supports the existence of established Christianity in Britain ever since, although it’s affiliations, allegiances and doctrines have been moderated and switched between Rome and England several times throughout its history:

Surprised? This is all well-documented history. History that very few of us have ever heard. Why? For the same reason that many of us were never taught about the massacre of the Arian Christians in the 4th century who were a larger following than those of the Church in Rome.

We’re all victims of the Greco-Roman version of history. They secretly want you to believe that they the most important ones on the stage of history.

The truth is that the Roman Pontiffs were desperate to destroy Christianity/Judaism because these people would not worship them as gods. So the Pontiffs finally entered into a union with Druidism—the hated enemy of Rome—to destroy the humble followers of Joshua of Nazareth!

Rome, Briton, druids and pagans then set out to systematically destroy Christian history so that the next generation of believers would have no idea what to believe, except that which was now handed down to them - a false religion to control the masses and hand deliver them strait to Satan.

   Please follow me and i will reveal the true path to the one and only true god    

i will continue to post more on this topic - False religeon

Monday, December 28, 2015

What god does your religion worship? Are you sure ???

Are you a Christian or a pagan?

Traditional Christian seem to have forgotten or dont know the fact that Christ, as depicted in the New Testament, was a faithful  “Orthodox Jew”  with a completely different “religious belief system” than that of a typical Christian today.”

the first generation of Christians regarded themselves as faithful Jews, and saw their faith and hope in the Jewish Messiah as the fulfillment of Judaism. So when we start thinking about Christianity, we have to understand its very Jewish roots…”

Three hundred years after the death of Christ – the Roman Empire altered the teachings of the Messiah – almost beyond recognition – as it conformed it to their already existing pagan ideas surrounding their sun gods.

the seperation and tensions that most people fell today between Jews and Christians do not occur until the fourth century, when Christianity became the official religion of the Roman Empire, under Constantine.

The real secret of Constantine and the bishops of Rome is their cunning introduction of sun worship and paganism into Christianity. Through Constantine, paganism and Christianity joined hands in the Roman Empire.

The Bible proclaims plainly and clearly that there is one and only one God. When the Bible says that God is one, the word one does not refer to a "God Family," but to one God.

Please follow me and I shall reveal the true path to our heavenly father

I shall post much more on this topic - false religion

Are Christmas gifts spying on you ??? (All seeing eye)

Appliances inside your house are spying on you !!!

Government surveillance remains a hot-button and controversial topic because we’re still learning about the full extent of spy agencies’ tracking and eavesdropping capabilities. Some say that this new technology will be "transformational" for snoopers and spies, it will remove every privacy we have.

Today the government can get these data grabs from right inside your own home. It's true, now your TV and various other types of home appliances can be wired into a network that can track you by connecting to the Internet. Once they access your users' settings they can install malware on any connected device, and harvest all the personal data they want.

They will use this new technology to gather information about your habits and behaviors. This info will now be available to people with nefarious goals. Here are some appliances and other systems inside your house that may be spying on you right now, or used to spy on you in the future.

Your Television - The camera embedded in the TV can watch you watching the set.

Your Cable Box - Companies like Google and Verizon are developing cable boxes with built-in video cameras and motion sensors. The idea is that once the camera a people they can deliver specific ads to them. If that freaks you out, think what government intelligence agencies are going to do with such a device.

Your Dishwasher, Clothes Dryer, Toaster, Clock Radio and Remote Control- All now connect to the Internet to help the manufacturers troubleshoot performance and improve energy efficiency.

Smartphones - the U.S. military disclosed last year it created an app called PlaceRaider that uses a phone's camera, geo-location data and its accelerometer to create a 3D map of the phone's surroundings.

Your Tablet and Computer - we unwittingly stuff them with every imaginable tidbit of sensitive personal information from lists of passwords, to tax and financial information, to geo-tagged photographs, to the innermost secrets that we exchange with our friends.

Your Lights - The same technology that enables monitoring of your home appliances also could allow would-be spies to monitor your lights. In addition to tracking your schedule, taking control of your home lighting system could help the government if they choose to invade your home by turning off the lights and keeping them off during an invasion.

Your Heat and A/C and Security Alarms settings can be reached via the Internet

You might say I’ve done nothing wrong, I have nothing to hide. So why should I care about any of this? Keep in mind that the definition of “wrong” can quickly change. And if you don’t know what the actual law really is, you wont be able to say that you know you have done nothing wrong?

These are the steps needed in order to take control if we rebel when the new world order takes full control of the globe !!!  the breadth of the NSA’s surveillance, as well as the cooperation of technology companies that help the NSA spy is unimaginable.

So you still don't care - Fine, enjoy your television. Just don't be surprised when you're woken from your deep sleep one night by a knock on the door. don't bother protesting then because you didn't protest now when it really matters !!!!!!!!

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

The All-Seeing Eye = N.W.O. Surveillance

N.W.O. Surveillance States, has been very busy building - The All-Seeing Eye. The I.A.O., "INFORMATION AWARENESS OFFICE" is a program that terrified American civil libertarians, it gave the government total access to all private electronic transactions and communications.

Because of the public uproar the congress de-funded the Information Awareness office. However, the overseeing administration simply shifted the program to other secret DARPA projects. it never went away or stopped, it just keeps on secretly collecting

Research shows that indiscriminate monitoring fosters distrust, conformity and mediocrity. Scientist have said indiscriminate intelligence-gathering presents a grave risk to our mental health, productivity, social cohesion, and ultimately our future.

The NSA is building the biggest spy center in the world in the tiny town of Bluffdale, Utah and is blandly named the "Utah Data Center". It is the final piece in a complex puzzle assembled over the past decade. Its purpose: to intercept, decipher, analyze, and store vast swaths of the world’s communications as they zap down from satellites and zip through the underground and undersea cables of international, foreign, and domestic networks.

Flowing through its servers and routers and stored in near-bottomless databases will be all forms of communication, including the complete contents of private emails, cell phone calls, and Google searches, as well as all sorts of personal data trails—parking receipts, travel itineraries, bookstore purchases, and other digital “pocket litter.” It is, in some measure, the realization of the “total information awareness”

The mammoth Bluffdale center has another important and far more secret role. It is also critical for breaking codes. And code-breaking is crucial, because much of the data that the center will handle—financial information, stock transactions, business deals, foreign military and diplomatic secrets, legal documents, confidential personal communications—will be heavily encrypted.

The NSA made an enormous breakthrough several years ago in its ability to cryptanalyze, or break, unfathomably complex encryption systems employed by not only governments around the world but also many average computer users in the US. Remember this, Everybody’s a target; everybody that tries any source of communication is a target.

That's just the start of this invasion,
the CIA is now spying on you through your Appliances
( more on this in my next post )

As the world's governments march toward universal surveillance, scientist forewarns us that a future of universal surveillance will be a bleak authoritarian landscape in which we lose the ability to relax, innovate, or take risks.

A world in which the definition of "appropriate" thought and behavior becomes so narrow that even the basic family traditions will be treated as violations and met with exclusion or punishment. A world in which we will end up even surrendering our very last line of defense & rights willingly in the names of peace and protection.

When this happens we will surely look back and ask:
Why did we do this to ourselves?

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Terrorism - Control by deception

Authoritarians Use Terror Attack & many other forms of deceptive tactics As Excuse for Power Grabs. This series of post will focus on the terrorism excuse. Surveillance is another word for monitoring of the behavior and activities of people, normally aimed at influencing, managing or protecting. In other words, surveillance can have positive and or negative effects.

In the wake of terror attacks governments from around the world are calling for increased surveillance. Global intelligence agencies want millions of new surveillance camera. The NSA says"lets listen to more phone calls & map the entire Internet".

But top security experts agree that mass surveillance is ineffective for stopping specific terror attacks. A former head of the NSA’s global intelligence gathering operations – Bill Binney – says that the mass surveillance INTERFERES with the government’s ability to catch bad guys,

So to me it seems logical to ask: Why do we need all of this new data collection if it wont protect us from acts of terror??? if its not going to protect us in real time why are they collecting it.

the government might use this info later to introduce policies (that common people would support - like, fight terrorism - but in fact the policies would secretly strips away rights that we would really want to oppose once we knew the truth. However, our opposition might then be impossible because of the mass surveillance enabling the authorities to identify us and remove us calling us crazy & are a public threat.

Billy Graham, America and Gods judgement

Its been claimed by Billy Graham that the 2012 election was our “last chance” before facing God’s judgement. He was saying that we need to elect someone who will lead us, as a nation back to god. Some say that he was hinting at electing a spiritual man "Romney rather Obama" but im not talking politics im talking prophecy.

Many try to imply that would mean that God’s judgment will come before election day 2016 else he (Billy Graham)would be wrong? But Billy Graham never really said that. He said that the decision we made as a nation back in 2012, would either cause god to remove his protections or deliver his blessings. We chose a man who proclaimed to be christian?

So was Obama lying about his faith? Is it a big deal if he decieved america? Over the years, Obama has done little to shore up his Christian credentials. In fact he has gone out of his way to compare ISIS to Christian Crusaders. have you ever seen the videos where Obama mocks multiple stories of the Bible and the teachings of Jesus Christ’s?

Mike Huckabee says Obama is against Christians and the Jews in Israel. The one group of people who can know they have his undying, unfailing support would be the Muslim community. why would Obama lie about his faith ??? Has the last four years years reveal gods blessing (peace, prosperity and joy) or lack of protection ( terror, fear and lost freedoms)  

I think 2012 kicked off the beginning of the so called "labor pain" prophecy. These labor pains will be what ushers in the first tribulation days. If we factor in the 7 year cycle that puts us into 2019/2020 (2012 + 7 = 2019) before the start of those first tribulation days. Big bad things have been predicted around 2020, so Billy Graham's prophecy appears to true and ever looming

i will post much much more on this topic

share you thoughts and wisdom

Monday, December 21, 2015


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Billy Graham - America feeling GOD's wrath

  Is GOD unleashing his wrath on America  

Franklin Graham warns that this is a crucial hour for our nation & what we do will determine whether or not God unleashes his wrath on America: Above all, this is a time for deep, intercessory prayer on behalf of our great country, which is in grave danger unless we repent of our sins and turn back to the God of our fathers.

America has fallen out of line with god & his ways. Some American leaders actively promote and legislate immorality, restrict the religious freedoms that our country was founded on, and are openly hostile to men and women of faith, So he believes that we are ripe for God’s judgment.

We have turned our backs on God. “We have taken God out of our education system. We have taken him out of government. Their are lawyers that want to sue you every time you mention the name of 'GOD' in any public forum. God has just about been taken out everything that we do – and God will cast judge our nation one day soon.

Billy and Franklin Graham say they believe all these signs are evident today… converging now for the first time since Jesus made those predictions. There’s still time to turn from our wicked ways so that Yahweh will spare us from His wrath against sin and this satanic world.

This then is an individual choice that must be made by you. you and your family is in grave danger unless you repent of your sins and turn back to the God of our fathers.

we will post more info about the timeline of these " final prophesies "

    So check back often.    

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

The secret societies

the secret societies
Secret societies have probably existed since the beginning of time as we know and long before that. Since the time of the crusades, hundreds of secret societies have been formed to serve diverse political, social and religious purposes.

These secret societies Control the World, They occupy virtually every seat of power, from the corridors of government to the boardrooms of Wall Street are now busy creating a worldwide government.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

N.W.O. - The beginning of the end

The term New World Order or NWO refers to the emergence of a totalitarian world government. Its believed that a secretive power elite with a globalist agenda is conspiring to eventually rule the world through an authoritarian world government—which will replace sovereign nation-states— like America

Some expect the formation of a world government, but do not look forward to the idea. Many premillennialist Christians believe that, at the end of the world, a one world government will be established under the rule of the Antichrist. Whereas liberal internationalists see one world government as a good thing, and see the early signs of its development as a positive, many see these early signs as evidence that we are approaching the End Times.

its been said that Wall Street, the Federal Reserve System, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Bilderberg Group and the Trilateral Commission control the flow of events from behind the scenes, nudging people constantly and covertly in the direction of world government for the Antichrist.

Do presidents serve the global Zionist

Do they serve Israel and a globalist agenda before serving America? 

Its been said that it matters not who wins the next election, because whoever it is you can bet they will serve Israel and the globalist agenda long before they serve America. As George Carlin notes they will have been bought and payed for long ago. The only option for any change is for no one to show up for their sham election or add the "none of the above" box to the ballot.

some say Trump is a pawn. The Oligarchs own the "opposition" and consequently control the entire voting process. they find it hard to believe  that the gullible masses that buy into this BS, like there's actually anyone in favor of doing the right thing, even a loose cannon like Trump. It's all pathetic political theater. Too bad very few actually understand that.

others hold the opinion that voting makes the situation worse. Trump is criticizing the trade deals like NAFTA and TTP just like Perot. And just like Perot, he'll probably pull out just before the election and then make it even more difficult for the Republicans. But the Republicraps are not opposition, they are essentially socialists just like the Democraps.

I was told that the excuse in voting is that they get to choose the lesser of two evils, but the problem is that they are still evil. I think people who continue to vote are contributing to the problem because nothing ever changes, but by voting, they are condoning this type of government. If everyone stopped voting, there would be no need for the dog and pony show and we all could be spared the continuous Bravo Sierra.

A few think no matter who wins this next election, they will not serve you or work in the best interest of America. They will serve the global Zionist just as they have always done.

what do you think ??????

Monday, December 14, 2015

Jesus is the reason for the season, Right ????

where did Christmas originate? 

Every December, thoughts turn to Christmas. It is the time when Christians on Jesus Christ. After all, it is the “Christ-mass” season! Jesus is the reason for the season isn't he? But just where did Christmas originate? The answers are shocking!

Its a wonderful time, focusing people on giving, family togetherness, beautiful music and decorations, feasting on special foods and singing Christmas carols throughout the neighborhood. All of this is supposedly centered around the worship of Christ.

Have you ever wonder what is the real origin of Christmas, Santa Claus—mistletoe—Christmas trees—holly wreaths—and the custom of exchanging gifts? Doesn't the Bible tell us to do this? Let's examine the roots of Christmas.

The answers will shock you!

Some school boards & other public places have banned all nativity and other Christmas scenes because they felt it violated the separation of church and state. Outraged people opposed this, feeling that Christmas was being stolen from their children and the community. The citizenry that Christmas was a worldwide tradition that was not part of, and transcended, religion. It was deemed to be secular— a part of virtually all cultures worldwide.

So they challenged it in court & they won their cases.

The court decision affirmed that Christmas has no Christian roots! However, the court's opinion also noted that Bible reading and prayer obviously are associated with Christianity — a remarkable admission! The court concluded that Christmas-keeping and manger scenes could remain because they are not really part of either Christianity or religion—but prayer and Bible reading, which are, must remain excluded from schools!

President Obama signed an executive order Monday barring federal contractors from discriminating against the Muslim community by erecting "offensive religious displays" on Federal Property including nativity manger scenes.

It should come as no big surprise that [President Obama] and his wife would like to neuter Christmas in America,” said Huckabee. “That’s their natural step to Sharia Law — to ban the public display of Christian symbols. Have any doubts? Last year, Georgetown University was ordered to put a drape over a Jesus statue as a condition of the president speaking there.If Jesus was gay I bet the President wouldn't mind." But this is another story !!!

Christmas observance have their roots in Roman custom and religion. Consider the following admission from a large American newspaper (The Buffalo News, Nov. 22, 1984): “The earliest reference to Christmas being marked on Dec. 25 comes from the second century after Jesus' birth. It is considered likely the first Christmas celebrations were in reaction to the Roman Saturnalia, a harvest festival that marked the winter solstice—the return of the sun—and honored Saturn, the god of sowing.

Christmas developed, one scholar says,
as a means of replacing worship of the sun with worship of the Son.

So  what do you think ???

Trump / Illuminati / nwo

One world government, economy & religion is the goal  

The elite want a . But they are not going to achieve these things by conquest. Rather, they want everyone to sign up for these new systems willingly.

On September 25th 2015, the United Nations launched a set of 17 ambitious goals that it plans to achieve over the next 15 years. The formal name of this new plan is "the 2030 Agenda" AKA "global goals".

The U.N. has stated that these new "global goals" represent a "new universal Agenda" for humanity Virtually every nation on the planet has willingly signed on to this new agenda, and you will be expected to participate whether you like it or not.

A new website to promote this plan has been established, and you can find it right here -

Some claim Donald Trumps real loyalty is to Mother Israel & he is simply serving his Illuminati Jewish masters. Trump's daughter Ivanka converted to Judaism in 2008 before marrying Jewish real estate developer Jared Kushner.

Another Trump backer is Stewart Rahr, an Illuminati Jewish billionaire, who made his fortune as a pharmaceutical distributor. He is the 183rd richest man in America (139 of the top 400 are Jewish) and one of the 400 richest men in the world.

my point ...
The elite want a one world government, a one world economic system and a one world religion.

Share your thoughts

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Is Donald Trump the Antichrist ?

Is he the Final “World Ruler”

Daniel 8:23-25King James Version (KJV)
23 And in the latter time of their kingdom, when the transgressors are come to the full, a king of fierce countenance, and understanding dark sentences, shall stand up.
24 And his power shall be mighty, but not by his own power: and he shall destroy wonderfully, and shall prosper, and practise, and shall destroy the mighty and the holy people.
25 And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many: he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes; but he shall be broken without hand.

 Attributes of the Final “World Ruler” – “World Leader” – “Great Chief” 

Be an organizational genius without a conscience, ruthless with no compassion
Most ingenious ways of solving problems of opposition (great negotiator)
Every victory he encounters he increases in strength! (each personal attack vs subsequent poll #s)
Deceitful, Treason, all will prosper in his hands (form of wisdom); (under his Presidency)
Fantastic Politician, (he’ll get there)
A Master Negotiator – He also wrote the Best Seller “The Art of the Deal”
Arrogant, Prideful,
By peace will destroy many.  .......  ( source: )

Suppose the Antichrist is not what we expect him to be? Indeed, it would hardly be surprising if the Antichrist had a hidden agenda. If he concealed his true intentions. In other words, there might well be a difference between how the Antichrist presents himself in his rise to power, and what happens once he achieves power.

Due to false expectations, many can be blindsided. If they suppose the Antichrist will resemble a villain in a James Bond movie, they may be surprised. Ironically, this means some pious people could unwittingly be political supporters of the Antichrist in his rise to power.

Some say Trump always proves himself to be a narcissistic, inhumane, uncaring, individual. He’s a shrewd business man who has no empathy for anyone other than himself and his own enterprises, When in time he dies, he’ll not be mourned except by those to whom he owes money.

While others say .. He’s not a shrewd business man. That’s just an illusion he projects. it’s all a con. He got credo from his father’s name and money and banks have been throwing money at him ever since. He’s actually headed up some spectacular failures. A clown with a whistle could make money with the kind of backing he gets.

what do you think ????

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Conspiracy facts & Religious truths

Do you want to find the truth behind the headlines. Are you A fan of stories relating to end time news, Freemasons, Illuminati, New World Order, secret Government projects, The notorious Area 51, Aliens. We will reveal the one true god & the false teachings of the Catholic Church, Christianity & the Jesuit order. We will presents items that link the Freemasons to the Illuminati & New World Order along with so much more.

                                                   Please join us in this search for truth ...


Monday, December 7, 2015

Jesus & Satan, both called a morning star

Why are both Jesus and Satan described as the “morning star”? 

The "morning star" is just one revelation that presents a problem for mainstream Christianity. Its also a huge obstacle for Mormonism & others. The name or phrase "morning star" derives from the Latin term lucem ferre, bringer, or bearer, of light."

So the bible identifying both Jesus and Satan, using the ancient Latin name for the morning star, the bringer of light must be so confusing for Christians & other groups who identify Christ himself as the morning star. This term has been used as a central theme in many Christian sermons.

In Isaiah 14:12: “How you have fallen from heaven, O morning star, son of the dawn! You have been cast down to the earth, you who once laid low the nations!” (NIV). The KJV and NKJV both translate “morning star” as “Lucifer, son of the morning.” It is clear from the rest of the passage that Isaiah is referring to Satan’s fall from heaven. In (Luke 10:18) He replied, "I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven.. So in these cases, the morning star refers to Satan. Jesus refers to himself as the morning star in Revelation 22:16: "I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star."

Another interesting fact to note is that the concept of the “morning star” is not the only link that can be applied to both Jesus and Satan. In Revelation 5:5, Jesus is referred to as the Lion of the tribe of Judah. In 1 Peter 5:8, Satan is compared to a lion, seeking someone to devour. The point is this, both Jesus and Satan, to a certain extent, have similarities to lions.

Some will say that this link is because of mistranslated, however these are the same people that swear the bible & its meanings have never ventured away from the original text. If editing is to blame that makes today's version of the bible very misleading. which kind of brings me to my point ... Many people claim that Jesus is/was god in the flesh and its true that can appear in any form but the first commandment clearly says  he is god. He has no siblings,          
Jesus refers to himself as the morning star in Revelation 22:16: "I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star." The First Commandment is recorded in Exodus 20:3:

God began the 10 Commandments this way: “I am Yahweh your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. You shall have no other gods before Me”. Even his name "yahwey" has been replaced with the name or title - lord, which is very deceptive within itself.

Anyway my point is that people no longer worship god the masses have been mislead & deceived. They worship or pray in the name Jesus. Honor the prophets or his chosen ones by thanking god for sending them any other way is idol worship. im not saying that Jesus was evil but i am saying that the true word of god has been tampered with and the general public has been deceived.  

Our god is Yahweh,
The One and Only true god.
Yahweh is Eternal & Absolute.
 And there is none comparable to Him.

more to come ... stay tuned !!!!!  Where do you stand on this topic?