tfn777 – The final Notice

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

History being rewrote (Proof - U.S. government documents)

Is there a hidden force that has reshaped the world events of the past centuries? 
Is our path towards a new world order part of a great plan lead by a “hidden hand”?

Today’s thinking toward a democratic world state is neither a new trend nor an accidental circumstance; the work of setting up the background of knowledge necessary to enlighten people for a democracy among all nations has been carried on for many hundreds of years by secret societies.”

Here, then, is the logic of U.S. oil policy, lets ensure that Israel turns toward the United States and away from the USSR by making sure they become a sovereign nation. This strategic objective, in turn, was Washington’s principal goal (in the name of protection) to guarantee america untrammeled access, control of the middle east and security of  its oil.

The proof can be found in the record of U.S. policy from 1945 to 1949, they challenge fundamental assumptions about U.S. understanding and involvement in the struggle over Palestine. Coming to grips with the U.S. record and its frequently mythified depiction of the struggle over Palestine is critical.

The History Hoax - right now, the history of Palestinian villages destroyed by Israel in 1948 is being reconstructed (altered) by Israel’s “New Historians” to fit the dominant Israeli narrative of the war of 1948.

This post reveals three important facts

1) History has been and is being altered now
2) Ulterior motive are hidden in the name of protection
3) Were being conditioned to Accept Martial Law and a new world order

They (the elite) are trying to keep us in a state of profound ignorance with their sublime secrets, such as rewriting history to enlighten/condition us into accepting this new one world government.

Is this really what you want ???? to be sheep, blindly being led to the slaughter house .. once the noose tightens around your neck your chance to resist has been missed !!!!

Sources - new_government_documents - the-hidden-hand-that-changed-history
we gather info only from these sites, Not their perspectives

i will post much much more on this topic
whats really going on here !!!
post your thoughts

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